Thursday, 31 March 2011

Some nice timewasters

Yeah, used to go on this site a lot a few years a go - it's a great collection of really nicely designed flash games. Well worth having a look at if you've got a few spare minutes you want to kill, some of them are incredibly addictive though - so you have been warned!

Anyway in other news its my birthday 

Monday, 28 March 2011

Maurice Donovan on the attack

So David Kennedy aka Ramadanman/Pearson sound has unveiled another alias Maurice Donovan. Head over to Fact Mag now to stream the first release. It's two slices of Chicago house with accompanying vintage artwork. It's also worth having a look at Maurice's Twitter feed.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Nice James Blake Interview

Pretty nice in depth interview with James Blake on Pitchfork. Touches on a wide range of topics and definitely worth a read.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Ulrich Schnauss Video Interview

Short 9 minute Video Interview with Ulrich, where he shows off his impressive studio and makes you incredibly jealous of all the vintage gear he owns.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Ok, I'm yet to read all of this - but I'm sure this will be of interest to a lot of you, and even if its something you haven't heard of/don't know who the KLF were/etc etc etc..... It's still well worth getting stuck into. I've copied the introductory passage from the 'manual' you can read the rest by clicking Here!!


Be ready to ride the big dipper of the mixed metaphor. Be ready to dip your hands in the lucky bag of life, gather the storm clouds of fantasy and anoint your own genius. Because it is only by following the clear and concise instructions contained in this book that you can realise your childish fantasies of having a Number One hit single in the official U.K. Top 40 thus guaranteeing you a place forever in the sacred annals of Pop History.

Other than achieving a Number One hit single we offer you nothing else. There will be no endless wealth. Fame will flicker and fade and sex will still be a problem. What was once yours for a few days will now enter the public domain.

In parts of this manual we will patronise you. In others we will cheat you. We will lie to you but we will lie to ourselves as well. You will, however, see through our lies and grasp the shining truth within. We will trap ourselves in our own pretensions. Our insights will be shot through with distort rays and we will revel in our own inconsistencies. If parts get too boring just fast forward – all the way to the end if need be.

Now, we all know that pop music is not going to save the world but it does, undeniably, create a filing system for the memory banks. In years to come people will stagger home down lonely streets singing your song to the strains of regurgitated vindaloo, all memory of who was behind the song lost. It is you, though, who will be responsible for bringing back those lost tastes, smells, tears, pangs, forgotten years and missed chances. So enjoy what you can while at Number One.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Brand new Rockwell mix

Just finished listening to this one. Probably my favourite mix of the year so far, flows really seamlessly.

Highly recommended.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

RA Exchange with Paul Woolford

Bored on a Sunday, cant be bothered to read or watch anything?? Stick THIS on then, a great conversation with the great Paul Woolford. And if that doesn't satisfy you look through the rest of RA exchange series and you'll be sure to find something that interests you.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Fabric Live 56

So the long awaited Ramadanman/Pearson Sound/David Kennedy to his mum - Fabric Live mix has landed. There's a great review of it over on Resident Advisor Click Me!!
My copy's on order and so should yours be.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Nate Dogg feat. Warren G - Nobody Does It Better

Been away for a few days and come back to find Nate Dogg is no longer with us R.I.P.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

KiNK's brand new mix for FACT

Fantastic genre defying mix hosted by FACT magazine - available for 3 weeks - get involved 

To promote his upcoming set at Bloc Weekend, Jacques Greene has put this set up for free download - get onboard and get down.


First blogging experience  - jump onboard if you enjoy hearing new music, reading about new things and all that stuff that we all tend to do when wasting time on the net.
